Updated Building Anticipation Compositional Techniques Using Cliffhanger Melodies in Movies for 2024

Updated Building Anticipation Compositional Techniques Using Cliffhanger Melodies in Movies for 2024

Ella Lv12

Building Anticipation: Compositional Techniques Using Cliffhanger Melodies in Movies

Are you a scriptwriter? Are you into dark and mystery movies? The article will surely make you curious!

The filmmakers test different kinds of music for mystery, horror, and thrill-based genre. However, the suspense music takes the lead with its unique dynamics. A suspense background music is everything that takes the people on edge.

The article shall present an insight into the suspense music works in movies and films. A guide to using the music better in an intense environment will also be included. Stay tuned to know three workable platforms to download royalty-free suspense background music. So, let us start?

In this article

01 How Does Suspense Music Work in Film?

02 Tips to Better Use Suspense Music to Create Suspenseful Atmosphere to the Film

03 3 Trendy Sites to Download Royalty Free Suspense Music

Part 1: How Does Suspense Music Work in Film?

It is crucial to understand how suspense music works in the film, especially for beginners. Most movie makers do not know how to build the tension and drop it. The carefully planned dynamics are your way to great mystery output.

The dynamics of the intense music are used to lower the volume and then burst out the music and reveal the big secret. A perfect balance between tension and revulsion creates a more powerful storyline and impacts the audience.

The first factor, tension, is always built slowly and steadily. The suspense background music is deployed in such a situation. Revulsion, on the other hand, is the next moment. It is when the monster is out of the closet. It is the revelation of the big secret of the movie. If tension is the suspenseful music, the revulsion is where horror music comes over.

The right balance between the two soundtracks will mark the success of your upcoming thriller. If the tension lasts longer, the audience breaks it on their own. It often occurs through a joke or breaking silence. Similarly, if the revulsion cues in soon, there is not enough time to build the fear.

suspense scene

For instance, the Main Theme from “Gravity” establishes volume and tension until the movie’s climax is reached. Similarly, “Braveheart” uses extensive crescendos to create an intense thriller aura. Most directors always use dissonance to establish a hype. The film “Planet of the Apes” used a mix of soothing and disturbing tones to make the audience uncomfortable.

In such a situation, you can use metal scraping with creepy laughter. The process will be concluded with a hint of echo and reverb for a scary vibe. The sound design is yet another way to build fear. The video game known as “Fall Out” used echoing music to leave a creepy impression.

fall out game using suspense music

Part 2: Tips to Better Use Suspense Music to Create Suspenseful Atmosphere to the Film

Are you a filmmaker? Do you own a production house? Or do you wish to create engaging yet horror content?

With the creative industry blooming extensively, the competition between different production houses is enhancing. It is important to stay one step ahead by making correct suspense music. The sub-section recommends some tips to establish an intense atmosphere in the scenes.

Crescendos and False Crescendos

A functional tip to create cinematic suspense is by using crescendos. This suspense music continues to develop until the climax is reached. The intense music is gradually built until a startling scream is heard.

Similarly, the false crescendos come with a twist. Instead of hearing a startling scream or a murder, people hear an uncomfortable silence that reveals nothing. It messes up with the audience big time. Don’t you agree?


Repetition is yet another technique to create a promising suspenseful aura. The same bundle of chords is repeated, establishing a rhythmic tension. A predictable pattern emphasizes the song and storyline. Additionally, the sudden chord change can be incorporated to release the hype or create a new phase.


The sound of two or more inharmonious notes develops a dissonant effect. It makes the audience uncomfortable and sends a creepy vibe down the spine. The process of switching between soothing and mysterious sounds keeps the viewers on edge. The dissonant note pairings are extensively used in horror and video films.


Dynamics is one of the most practiced tricks in the industry to create the needed effect. For starters, the suspense background music is enhanced. The improved pitch takes the audience towards the anticipation of the climax. After that, the chord progression hits the crescendo. The release and silence are a part of the effective dynamics of a movie.

Part 3: 3 Trendy Sites to Download Royalty Free Suspense Music

After the discussion, one understands the need for suspense music to get the task done. But the next question might confuse the beginners. Where to get suspense background music from? Do not worry as we have got you! The part would mention some platforms to access royalty-free suspense music. Let us have a glimpse, shall we?


The first trendy website is Chosic taking the lead in the world. This renowned website changes the search results as needed. Isn’t that the goal? The suspense music includes Sanctuary, The Epic Hero, Misery, Countdown, and Walking Shoes. There are different tags present below the track to refine the process.

The tags include suspense, cinematic, mystery, epic, documentary, horror, dark, and drama. Chosic can be counted upon for music that creates a dynamic sense of stressful feelings. It leads to keeping the audience on edge.

chosic suspense background music


Pixabay is considered the most established platform with various music themes, moods, and genres. Similarly, you can use it to find some phenomenal suspense music that compels the audience to stick to their screens. The advanced use of filters makes the search easy and navigation flawless.

The tags below the tag offer variety and relevancy and limits nuisance. The arrow beside “Download” can be clicked to find significant information. For instance, the number of likes, favorites, and times the track was played.

The song is saved in the system in MP3 format. Moreover, the suspense background music choices are intense and creepy. Examples include Caves of Dawn, Under pressure, Fantasy Epic, Epic Magic, A New Perspective, and Drone.

free suspense music by pixabay


Mixkit has got to be the perfect marketplace of the lot. With more than 37 suspense music sound effects, this promising marketplace presents royalty-free music in great quality. The user can listen to the music, make up their mind, and download it.

Some Mixkit suspense background music examples include Violin Suspense Pass, Reverse Suspense, Cartoon Suspense, Cinematic Suspense Swell, and whatnot.

mixkit free suspense music

Final Thoughts

With the GDP of each industry improving by leaps and bounds, the creative industry is equally blooming. The suspense, mystery, thriller, horror, and dark film genres use suspense music to leave the audience in shock and fear.

Hence, the article focused on the workability of suspense background music and tips to use in the films. The major platform to download the cinematic music was also mentioned for the user’s guide.

02 Tips to Better Use Suspense Music to Create Suspenseful Atmosphere to the Film

03 3 Trendy Sites to Download Royalty Free Suspense Music

Part 1: How Does Suspense Music Work in Film?

It is crucial to understand how suspense music works in the film, especially for beginners. Most movie makers do not know how to build the tension and drop it. The carefully planned dynamics are your way to great mystery output.

The dynamics of the intense music are used to lower the volume and then burst out the music and reveal the big secret. A perfect balance between tension and revulsion creates a more powerful storyline and impacts the audience.

The first factor, tension, is always built slowly and steadily. The suspense background music is deployed in such a situation. Revulsion, on the other hand, is the next moment. It is when the monster is out of the closet. It is the revelation of the big secret of the movie. If tension is the suspenseful music, the revulsion is where horror music comes over.

The right balance between the two soundtracks will mark the success of your upcoming thriller. If the tension lasts longer, the audience breaks it on their own. It often occurs through a joke or breaking silence. Similarly, if the revulsion cues in soon, there is not enough time to build the fear.

suspense scene

For instance, the Main Theme from “Gravity” establishes volume and tension until the movie’s climax is reached. Similarly, “Braveheart” uses extensive crescendos to create an intense thriller aura. Most directors always use dissonance to establish a hype. The film “Planet of the Apes” used a mix of soothing and disturbing tones to make the audience uncomfortable.

In such a situation, you can use metal scraping with creepy laughter. The process will be concluded with a hint of echo and reverb for a scary vibe. The sound design is yet another way to build fear. The video game known as “Fall Out” used echoing music to leave a creepy impression.

fall out game using suspense music

Part 2: Tips to Better Use Suspense Music to Create Suspenseful Atmosphere to the Film

Are you a filmmaker? Do you own a production house? Or do you wish to create engaging yet horror content?

With the creative industry blooming extensively, the competition between different production houses is enhancing. It is important to stay one step ahead by making correct suspense music. The sub-section recommends some tips to establish an intense atmosphere in the scenes.

Crescendos and False Crescendos

A functional tip to create cinematic suspense is by using crescendos. This suspense music continues to develop until the climax is reached. The intense music is gradually built until a startling scream is heard.

Similarly, the false crescendos come with a twist. Instead of hearing a startling scream or a murder, people hear an uncomfortable silence that reveals nothing. It messes up with the audience big time. Don’t you agree?


Repetition is yet another technique to create a promising suspenseful aura. The same bundle of chords is repeated, establishing a rhythmic tension. A predictable pattern emphasizes the song and storyline. Additionally, the sudden chord change can be incorporated to release the hype or create a new phase.


The sound of two or more inharmonious notes develops a dissonant effect. It makes the audience uncomfortable and sends a creepy vibe down the spine. The process of switching between soothing and mysterious sounds keeps the viewers on edge. The dissonant note pairings are extensively used in horror and video films.


Dynamics is one of the most practiced tricks in the industry to create the needed effect. For starters, the suspense background music is enhanced. The improved pitch takes the audience towards the anticipation of the climax. After that, the chord progression hits the crescendo. The release and silence are a part of the effective dynamics of a movie.

Part 3: 3 Trendy Sites to Download Royalty Free Suspense Music

After the discussion, one understands the need for suspense music to get the task done. But the next question might confuse the beginners. Where to get suspense background music from? Do not worry as we have got you! The part would mention some platforms to access royalty-free suspense music. Let us have a glimpse, shall we?


The first trendy website is Chosic taking the lead in the world. This renowned website changes the search results as needed. Isn’t that the goal? The suspense music includes Sanctuary, The Epic Hero, Misery, Countdown, and Walking Shoes. There are different tags present below the track to refine the process.

The tags include suspense, cinematic, mystery, epic, documentary, horror, dark, and drama. Chosic can be counted upon for music that creates a dynamic sense of stressful feelings. It leads to keeping the audience on edge.

chosic suspense background music


Pixabay is considered the most established platform with various music themes, moods, and genres. Similarly, you can use it to find some phenomenal suspense music that compels the audience to stick to their screens. The advanced use of filters makes the search easy and navigation flawless.

The tags below the tag offer variety and relevancy and limits nuisance. The arrow beside “Download” can be clicked to find significant information. For instance, the number of likes, favorites, and times the track was played.

The song is saved in the system in MP3 format. Moreover, the suspense background music choices are intense and creepy. Examples include Caves of Dawn, Under pressure, Fantasy Epic, Epic Magic, A New Perspective, and Drone.

free suspense music by pixabay


Mixkit has got to be the perfect marketplace of the lot. With more than 37 suspense music sound effects, this promising marketplace presents royalty-free music in great quality. The user can listen to the music, make up their mind, and download it.

Some Mixkit suspense background music examples include Violin Suspense Pass, Reverse Suspense, Cartoon Suspense, Cinematic Suspense Swell, and whatnot.

mixkit free suspense music

Final Thoughts

With the GDP of each industry improving by leaps and bounds, the creative industry is equally blooming. The suspense, mystery, thriller, horror, and dark film genres use suspense music to leave the audience in shock and fear.

Hence, the article focused on the workability of suspense background music and tips to use in the films. The major platform to download the cinematic music was also mentioned for the user’s guide.

02 Tips to Better Use Suspense Music to Create Suspenseful Atmosphere to the Film

03 3 Trendy Sites to Download Royalty Free Suspense Music

Part 1: How Does Suspense Music Work in Film?

It is crucial to understand how suspense music works in the film, especially for beginners. Most movie makers do not know how to build the tension and drop it. The carefully planned dynamics are your way to great mystery output.

The dynamics of the intense music are used to lower the volume and then burst out the music and reveal the big secret. A perfect balance between tension and revulsion creates a more powerful storyline and impacts the audience.

The first factor, tension, is always built slowly and steadily. The suspense background music is deployed in such a situation. Revulsion, on the other hand, is the next moment. It is when the monster is out of the closet. It is the revelation of the big secret of the movie. If tension is the suspenseful music, the revulsion is where horror music comes over.

The right balance between the two soundtracks will mark the success of your upcoming thriller. If the tension lasts longer, the audience breaks it on their own. It often occurs through a joke or breaking silence. Similarly, if the revulsion cues in soon, there is not enough time to build the fear.

suspense scene

For instance, the Main Theme from “Gravity” establishes volume and tension until the movie’s climax is reached. Similarly, “Braveheart” uses extensive crescendos to create an intense thriller aura. Most directors always use dissonance to establish a hype. The film “Planet of the Apes” used a mix of soothing and disturbing tones to make the audience uncomfortable.

In such a situation, you can use metal scraping with creepy laughter. The process will be concluded with a hint of echo and reverb for a scary vibe. The sound design is yet another way to build fear. The video game known as “Fall Out” used echoing music to leave a creepy impression.

fall out game using suspense music

Part 2: Tips to Better Use Suspense Music to Create Suspenseful Atmosphere to the Film

Are you a filmmaker? Do you own a production house? Or do you wish to create engaging yet horror content?

With the creative industry blooming extensively, the competition between different production houses is enhancing. It is important to stay one step ahead by making correct suspense music. The sub-section recommends some tips to establish an intense atmosphere in the scenes.

Crescendos and False Crescendos

A functional tip to create cinematic suspense is by using crescendos. This suspense music continues to develop until the climax is reached. The intense music is gradually built until a startling scream is heard.

Similarly, the false crescendos come with a twist. Instead of hearing a startling scream or a murder, people hear an uncomfortable silence that reveals nothing. It messes up with the audience big time. Don’t you agree?


Repetition is yet another technique to create a promising suspenseful aura. The same bundle of chords is repeated, establishing a rhythmic tension. A predictable pattern emphasizes the song and storyline. Additionally, the sudden chord change can be incorporated to release the hype or create a new phase.


The sound of two or more inharmonious notes develops a dissonant effect. It makes the audience uncomfortable and sends a creepy vibe down the spine. The process of switching between soothing and mysterious sounds keeps the viewers on edge. The dissonant note pairings are extensively used in horror and video films.


Dynamics is one of the most practiced tricks in the industry to create the needed effect. For starters, the suspense background music is enhanced. The improved pitch takes the audience towards the anticipation of the climax. After that, the chord progression hits the crescendo. The release and silence are a part of the effective dynamics of a movie.

Part 3: 3 Trendy Sites to Download Royalty Free Suspense Music

After the discussion, one understands the need for suspense music to get the task done. But the next question might confuse the beginners. Where to get suspense background music from? Do not worry as we have got you! The part would mention some platforms to access royalty-free suspense music. Let us have a glimpse, shall we?


The first trendy website is Chosic taking the lead in the world. This renowned website changes the search results as needed. Isn’t that the goal? The suspense music includes Sanctuary, The Epic Hero, Misery, Countdown, and Walking Shoes. There are different tags present below the track to refine the process.

The tags include suspense, cinematic, mystery, epic, documentary, horror, dark, and drama. Chosic can be counted upon for music that creates a dynamic sense of stressful feelings. It leads to keeping the audience on edge.

chosic suspense background music


Pixabay is considered the most established platform with various music themes, moods, and genres. Similarly, you can use it to find some phenomenal suspense music that compels the audience to stick to their screens. The advanced use of filters makes the search easy and navigation flawless.

The tags below the tag offer variety and relevancy and limits nuisance. The arrow beside “Download” can be clicked to find significant information. For instance, the number of likes, favorites, and times the track was played.

The song is saved in the system in MP3 format. Moreover, the suspense background music choices are intense and creepy. Examples include Caves of Dawn, Under pressure, Fantasy Epic, Epic Magic, A New Perspective, and Drone.

free suspense music by pixabay


Mixkit has got to be the perfect marketplace of the lot. With more than 37 suspense music sound effects, this promising marketplace presents royalty-free music in great quality. The user can listen to the music, make up their mind, and download it.

Some Mixkit suspense background music examples include Violin Suspense Pass, Reverse Suspense, Cartoon Suspense, Cinematic Suspense Swell, and whatnot.

mixkit free suspense music

Final Thoughts

With the GDP of each industry improving by leaps and bounds, the creative industry is equally blooming. The suspense, mystery, thriller, horror, and dark film genres use suspense music to leave the audience in shock and fear.

Hence, the article focused on the workability of suspense background music and tips to use in the films. The major platform to download the cinematic music was also mentioned for the user’s guide.

02 Tips to Better Use Suspense Music to Create Suspenseful Atmosphere to the Film

03 3 Trendy Sites to Download Royalty Free Suspense Music

Part 1: How Does Suspense Music Work in Film?

It is crucial to understand how suspense music works in the film, especially for beginners. Most movie makers do not know how to build the tension and drop it. The carefully planned dynamics are your way to great mystery output.

The dynamics of the intense music are used to lower the volume and then burst out the music and reveal the big secret. A perfect balance between tension and revulsion creates a more powerful storyline and impacts the audience.

The first factor, tension, is always built slowly and steadily. The suspense background music is deployed in such a situation. Revulsion, on the other hand, is the next moment. It is when the monster is out of the closet. It is the revelation of the big secret of the movie. If tension is the suspenseful music, the revulsion is where horror music comes over.

The right balance between the two soundtracks will mark the success of your upcoming thriller. If the tension lasts longer, the audience breaks it on their own. It often occurs through a joke or breaking silence. Similarly, if the revulsion cues in soon, there is not enough time to build the fear.

suspense scene

For instance, the Main Theme from “Gravity” establishes volume and tension until the movie’s climax is reached. Similarly, “Braveheart” uses extensive crescendos to create an intense thriller aura. Most directors always use dissonance to establish a hype. The film “Planet of the Apes” used a mix of soothing and disturbing tones to make the audience uncomfortable.

In such a situation, you can use metal scraping with creepy laughter. The process will be concluded with a hint of echo and reverb for a scary vibe. The sound design is yet another way to build fear. The video game known as “Fall Out” used echoing music to leave a creepy impression.

fall out game using suspense music

Part 2: Tips to Better Use Suspense Music to Create Suspenseful Atmosphere to the Film

Are you a filmmaker? Do you own a production house? Or do you wish to create engaging yet horror content?

With the creative industry blooming extensively, the competition between different production houses is enhancing. It is important to stay one step ahead by making correct suspense music. The sub-section recommends some tips to establish an intense atmosphere in the scenes.

Crescendos and False Crescendos

A functional tip to create cinematic suspense is by using crescendos. This suspense music continues to develop until the climax is reached. The intense music is gradually built until a startling scream is heard.

Similarly, the false crescendos come with a twist. Instead of hearing a startling scream or a murder, people hear an uncomfortable silence that reveals nothing. It messes up with the audience big time. Don’t you agree?


Repetition is yet another technique to create a promising suspenseful aura. The same bundle of chords is repeated, establishing a rhythmic tension. A predictable pattern emphasizes the song and storyline. Additionally, the sudden chord change can be incorporated to release the hype or create a new phase.


The sound of two or more inharmonious notes develops a dissonant effect. It makes the audience uncomfortable and sends a creepy vibe down the spine. The process of switching between soothing and mysterious sounds keeps the viewers on edge. The dissonant note pairings are extensively used in horror and video films.


Dynamics is one of the most practiced tricks in the industry to create the needed effect. For starters, the suspense background music is enhanced. The improved pitch takes the audience towards the anticipation of the climax. After that, the chord progression hits the crescendo. The release and silence are a part of the effective dynamics of a movie.

Part 3: 3 Trendy Sites to Download Royalty Free Suspense Music

After the discussion, one understands the need for suspense music to get the task done. But the next question might confuse the beginners. Where to get suspense background music from? Do not worry as we have got you! The part would mention some platforms to access royalty-free suspense music. Let us have a glimpse, shall we?


The first trendy website is Chosic taking the lead in the world. This renowned website changes the search results as needed. Isn’t that the goal? The suspense music includes Sanctuary, The Epic Hero, Misery, Countdown, and Walking Shoes. There are different tags present below the track to refine the process.

The tags include suspense, cinematic, mystery, epic, documentary, horror, dark, and drama. Chosic can be counted upon for music that creates a dynamic sense of stressful feelings. It leads to keeping the audience on edge.

chosic suspense background music


Pixabay is considered the most established platform with various music themes, moods, and genres. Similarly, you can use it to find some phenomenal suspense music that compels the audience to stick to their screens. The advanced use of filters makes the search easy and navigation flawless.

The tags below the tag offer variety and relevancy and limits nuisance. The arrow beside “Download” can be clicked to find significant information. For instance, the number of likes, favorites, and times the track was played.

The song is saved in the system in MP3 format. Moreover, the suspense background music choices are intense and creepy. Examples include Caves of Dawn, Under pressure, Fantasy Epic, Epic Magic, A New Perspective, and Drone.

free suspense music by pixabay


Mixkit has got to be the perfect marketplace of the lot. With more than 37 suspense music sound effects, this promising marketplace presents royalty-free music in great quality. The user can listen to the music, make up their mind, and download it.

Some Mixkit suspense background music examples include Violin Suspense Pass, Reverse Suspense, Cartoon Suspense, Cinematic Suspense Swell, and whatnot.

mixkit free suspense music

Final Thoughts

With the GDP of each industry improving by leaps and bounds, the creative industry is equally blooming. The suspense, mystery, thriller, horror, and dark film genres use suspense music to leave the audience in shock and fear.

Hence, the article focused on the workability of suspense background music and tips to use in the films. The major platform to download the cinematic music was also mentioned for the user’s guide.

“Audio Cutting Techniques for MP4 Video Files (2024 Edition)”

While editing an MP4 (MPEG/MPG) clip, we may want to remove audio from the MP4 file completely instead of muting the audio and getting only the video stream as an output.

Sometimes we may want to remove audio from the original file and add a new sound tracker.

To help finish this task, Wondershare Filmora is the right choice. With it, you can either delete all audio tracks completely from MP4 to get the video with no audio in it at all. Or remove an extra audio track and only keep the one you like.

The following article will introduce a simple way of removing audio from video in whatever situation.

MP4 Audio Remover - Wondershare Filmora

Why Choose Wondershare Filmora

  • Completely remove the audio from video to keep video-only stream;
  • Or mute the audio of the video;
  • Easily trim/crop/rotate video files on the timeline;
  • Add effect/subtitle/watermark to enrich your video;
  • Save and play your video on different devices, burn to DVD or upload online;
  • Supported OS: Windows & Mac (above 10.11).

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Step 1: Import your MP4 file

Free download the audio track remover- Video Editor, install, and run it. Then the following interface will pop up. Click the “Import” button to add the video file you want to remove audio tracks.

remove video

Step 2: Remove audio from the file

Drag-n-drop the mp4 file to the timeline, right-click and choose “Detach Audio” to detach the audio tracks from the original mp4 file. Then the separated audio track will appear in the Audio Timeline. You can right-click the audio and choose “Delete” to remove audio from mp4.

Note: if you want to add the new sound tracker, import the sound recordings you want to the media library and drag them to the audio timeline.

detach video

Step 3: Save the edited video

After that, hit “Export” to select the desired output way. You can set the output video format the same as the original one or set the output video format to any other video formats. Then click the “Export” button to export the video. What’s more, you can save the edited file to iPhone, iPad PSP, etc., or directly upload it to YouTube for sharing with friends.

export video

Bonus: Mute a Video with Filmora Video Editor with 1-click

Sometimes, you might wish to mute a video clip for many reasons, then the Filmora Video Editor, as the best MP4 Audio Extractor or Editor will help you do it with 1 simple click.

To reach it, you only need to drag and drop your targeted MP4 video into the timeline, and then, right-click on it and choose “Mute“ option. Then, click “Export” to export and save the edited videos.

detach video


Now, it’s your turn to have a try. Above are the steps to remove audio from video. Leave a comment to let us know if you have any questions.

Versatile Video Editor - Wondershare Filmora

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

Try It Free Try It Free

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Step 1: Import your MP4 file

Free download the audio track remover- Video Editor, install, and run it. Then the following interface will pop up. Click the “Import” button to add the video file you want to remove audio tracks.

remove video

Step 2: Remove audio from the file

Drag-n-drop the mp4 file to the timeline, right-click and choose “Detach Audio” to detach the audio tracks from the original mp4 file. Then the separated audio track will appear in the Audio Timeline. You can right-click the audio and choose “Delete” to remove audio from mp4.

Note: if you want to add the new sound tracker, import the sound recordings you want to the media library and drag them to the audio timeline.

detach video

Step 3: Save the edited video

After that, hit “Export” to select the desired output way. You can set the output video format the same as the original one or set the output video format to any other video formats. Then click the “Export” button to export the video. What’s more, you can save the edited file to iPhone, iPad PSP, etc., or directly upload it to YouTube for sharing with friends.

export video

Bonus: Mute a Video with Filmora Video Editor with 1-click

Sometimes, you might wish to mute a video clip for many reasons, then the Filmora Video Editor, as the best MP4 Audio Extractor or Editor will help you do it with 1 simple click.

To reach it, you only need to drag and drop your targeted MP4 video into the timeline, and then, right-click on it and choose “Mute“ option. Then, click “Export” to export and save the edited videos.

detach video


Now, it’s your turn to have a try. Above are the steps to remove audio from video. Leave a comment to let us know if you have any questions.

Versatile Video Editor - Wondershare Filmora

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

Try It Free Try It Free

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Step 1: Import your MP4 file

Free download the audio track remover- Video Editor, install, and run it. Then the following interface will pop up. Click the “Import” button to add the video file you want to remove audio tracks.

remove video

Step 2: Remove audio from the file

Drag-n-drop the mp4 file to the timeline, right-click and choose “Detach Audio” to detach the audio tracks from the original mp4 file. Then the separated audio track will appear in the Audio Timeline. You can right-click the audio and choose “Delete” to remove audio from mp4.

Note: if you want to add the new sound tracker, import the sound recordings you want to the media library and drag them to the audio timeline.

detach video

Step 3: Save the edited video

After that, hit “Export” to select the desired output way. You can set the output video format the same as the original one or set the output video format to any other video formats. Then click the “Export” button to export the video. What’s more, you can save the edited file to iPhone, iPad PSP, etc., or directly upload it to YouTube for sharing with friends.

export video

Bonus: Mute a Video with Filmora Video Editor with 1-click

Sometimes, you might wish to mute a video clip for many reasons, then the Filmora Video Editor, as the best MP4 Audio Extractor or Editor will help you do it with 1 simple click.

To reach it, you only need to drag and drop your targeted MP4 video into the timeline, and then, right-click on it and choose “Mute“ option. Then, click “Export” to export and save the edited videos.

detach video


Now, it’s your turn to have a try. Above are the steps to remove audio from video. Leave a comment to let us know if you have any questions.

Versatile Video Editor - Wondershare Filmora

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

Try It Free Try It Free

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Step 1: Import your MP4 file

Free download the audio track remover- Video Editor, install, and run it. Then the following interface will pop up. Click the “Import” button to add the video file you want to remove audio tracks.

remove video

Step 2: Remove audio from the file

Drag-n-drop the mp4 file to the timeline, right-click and choose “Detach Audio” to detach the audio tracks from the original mp4 file. Then the separated audio track will appear in the Audio Timeline. You can right-click the audio and choose “Delete” to remove audio from mp4.

Note: if you want to add the new sound tracker, import the sound recordings you want to the media library and drag them to the audio timeline.

detach video

Step 3: Save the edited video

After that, hit “Export” to select the desired output way. You can set the output video format the same as the original one or set the output video format to any other video formats. Then click the “Export” button to export the video. What’s more, you can save the edited file to iPhone, iPad PSP, etc., or directly upload it to YouTube for sharing with friends.

export video

Bonus: Mute a Video with Filmora Video Editor with 1-click

Sometimes, you might wish to mute a video clip for many reasons, then the Filmora Video Editor, as the best MP4 Audio Extractor or Editor will help you do it with 1 simple click.

To reach it, you only need to drag and drop your targeted MP4 video into the timeline, and then, right-click on it and choose “Mute“ option. Then, click “Export” to export and save the edited videos.

detach video


Now, it’s your turn to have a try. Above are the steps to remove audio from video. Leave a comment to let us know if you have any questions.

Versatile Video Editor - Wondershare Filmora

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

Try It Free Try It Free

Windows Auditory Enhancement Tools: Selecting the Prime Candidates for Decibel Reduction

Background noise is the unwanted sound present in the background while recording audio. It diminishes the overall sound quality of the audio or video. It is not always possible to make a call or record an audio or video from a silent room. Then the noise was made by working machines like a fan, air conditioner, etc., or people talking. It will make it difficult to hear the recording and concentrate on the topic. Quite annoying, right?

Best Audio Editors to Remove Background Noise from Audio

We all know background noise will reduce the overall impression of the video no matter how perfect the video is. Here we will discuss 4 applications that can be used to remove background noise from any audio clip (they are listed in no particular order).

In this article

01 Wondershare Filmora

02 Audacity

03 VSDC Video Editor

04 Movavi Video Editor

Part 1: Wondershare Filmora

Wondershare Filmora is a video editing app with extensive features and options for editing a video or audio. Amateurs, as well as professionals, equally use this application. You can remove background noise by its simple denoise feature in several mins. Let’s see how noise reduction is done using Filmora:

Download Filmora below, and install it on your computer.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.12 or later

Open Filmora, and go to File-Import Media to import your source video to the Media Library.

import media to filmora

Add or drag-n-drop the source video to the video track. Then right-click the video on the track, and select Adjust Audio option.

adjust audio option

The audio settings panel will pop up. Please enable the Remove background noise option, and then adjust the denoising level to Strong by moving the pointer to the extreme right.

click remove background noise

Playback your video on the line and check whether the voice quality has been improved.

Filmora supports various video formats. You can select the format you want and export the video or upload your video to Youtube and Vimeo directly. Once done, click Export to save or export your video.

filmora export panel


The audio can also be fine-tuned by using the Equalizer feature of Filmora, making the audio sound more natural. Also, the Audio Mixer feature will help you to edit the audio further and save it in MP3 format.

Part 2: Audacity

Audacity is an open platform for audio recording and editing. It is a very simple-to-use application and can be used to record, play, import, and export any audio files of WAV, MP3, AIFF, and OGG. Audacity also offers mixing tracks and applying special effects to the audios.

First, select the “silent” part of the audio, where only the noise can be heard.

Tap on the Effects menu at the top and select Noise Removal.

noise reduction

Tap on the Get Noise Profile option.

apply audacity noise reduction

Select all the audios from which you wish to remove the background noise.

Now once again, go to the Effects menu and tap on the Noise Removal option.

Adjust the settings if you feel it is necessary and click OK to save the settings.

Listen to the audio clip to ensure the quality has been improved and the noise reduced. And here are the waveforms before and after the noise removal.

noise wave


It is always recommended to reduce the noise before recording audio on Audacity.

Part 3: VSDC Video Editor

VSDC is a top-notch video editor with various high-end editing tools that allow users to enhance their videos easily. It offers screen recording, voice-overs, color correction, and even the green screen effect. To help you refine your videos to the highest quality, you can use the noise removal tool in VSDC.

Here are the easy steps to de-noise audio:

Open the VSDC video editor. Then click on the Editor tab and click on Run Sprite Wizard or Audio.

run sprite wizard

Select a file to be imported or drag and drop it to the slides. Click Apply Settings to proceed.

apply audio settings

Open the Audio effects drop-down menu, tap on Filters, and finally on Gate.

audio effects

Now, adjust the threshold level in the right panel by reducing it.

adjust threshold value

Similarly, adjust the Attack and Release levels to reduce the background noise.

attack and release

Part 4: Movavi Video Editor

Movavi is a simple video editing application that anyone can use to edit videos based on the time it was taken, for example, wedding videos, birthday videos, etc. it offers a lot of features to edit a video clip based on a specific theme. Here is how noise reduction can be done by using Movavi Video Editor.

Open the Movavi Video editor on your desktop and open an audio/video clip on your timeline.

Click on the audio clip to select it and then tap on the Settings icon on the extreme left.

Then choose the Audio Editing option and tap on the Noise Removal box.

movavi reduce noise

Adjust the Noise Suppression pointer according to the video’s need.

Playback the video on the timeline and check if the sound quality gets better.


The Noise Suppression level needs to be adjusted for every video as the noise level will be different for every one of them. Using speakers while playing back the audio after noise suppression is also recommended to check the audio quality.

To sum up

The above are 4 of the best editing applications available in the market in which unwanted background music can be removed. These applications also have a lot of other features that can be useful for audio and video editing.

Versatile Video Editor - Wondershare Filmora

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

Free Download Free Download

Best Audio Editors to Remove Background Noise from Audio

We all know background noise will reduce the overall impression of the video no matter how perfect the video is. Here we will discuss 4 applications that can be used to remove background noise from any audio clip (they are listed in no particular order).

In this article

01 Wondershare Filmora

02 Audacity

03 VSDC Video Editor

04 Movavi Video Editor

Part 1: Wondershare Filmora

Wondershare Filmora is a video editing app with extensive features and options for editing a video or audio. Amateurs, as well as professionals, equally use this application. You can remove background noise by its simple denoise feature in several mins. Let’s see how noise reduction is done using Filmora:

Download Filmora below, and install it on your computer.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.12 or later

Open Filmora, and go to File-Import Media to import your source video to the Media Library.

import media to filmora

Add or drag-n-drop the source video to the video track. Then right-click the video on the track, and select Adjust Audio option.

adjust audio option

The audio settings panel will pop up. Please enable the Remove background noise option, and then adjust the denoising level to Strong by moving the pointer to the extreme right.

click remove background noise

Playback your video on the line and check whether the voice quality has been improved.

Filmora supports various video formats. You can select the format you want and export the video or upload your video to Youtube and Vimeo directly. Once done, click Export to save or export your video.

filmora export panel


The audio can also be fine-tuned by using the Equalizer feature of Filmora, making the audio sound more natural. Also, the Audio Mixer feature will help you to edit the audio further and save it in MP3 format.

Part 2: Audacity

Audacity is an open platform for audio recording and editing. It is a very simple-to-use application and can be used to record, play, import, and export any audio files of WAV, MP3, AIFF, and OGG. Audacity also offers mixing tracks and applying special effects to the audios.

First, select the “silent” part of the audio, where only the noise can be heard.

Tap on the Effects menu at the top and select Noise Removal.

noise reduction

Tap on the Get Noise Profile option.

apply audacity noise reduction

Select all the audios from which you wish to remove the background noise.

Now once again, go to the Effects menu and tap on the Noise Removal option.

Adjust the settings if you feel it is necessary and click OK to save the settings.

Listen to the audio clip to ensure the quality has been improved and the noise reduced. And here are the waveforms before and after the noise removal.

noise wave


It is always recommended to reduce the noise before recording audio on Audacity.

Part 3: VSDC Video Editor

VSDC is a top-notch video editor with various high-end editing tools that allow users to enhance their videos easily. It offers screen recording, voice-overs, color correction, and even the green screen effect. To help you refine your videos to the highest quality, you can use the noise removal tool in VSDC.

Here are the easy steps to de-noise audio:

Open the VSDC video editor. Then click on the Editor tab and click on Run Sprite Wizard or Audio.

run sprite wizard

Select a file to be imported or drag and drop it to the slides. Click Apply Settings to proceed.

apply audio settings

Open the Audio effects drop-down menu, tap on Filters, and finally on Gate.

audio effects

Now, adjust the threshold level in the right panel by reducing it.

adjust threshold value

Similarly, adjust the Attack and Release levels to reduce the background noise.

attack and release

Part 4: Movavi Video Editor

Movavi is a simple video editing application that anyone can use to edit videos based on the time it was taken, for example, wedding videos, birthday videos, etc. it offers a lot of features to edit a video clip based on a specific theme. Here is how noise reduction can be done by using Movavi Video Editor.

Open the Movavi Video editor on your desktop and open an audio/video clip on your timeline.

Click on the audio clip to select it and then tap on the Settings icon on the extreme left.

Then choose the Audio Editing option and tap on the Noise Removal box.

movavi reduce noise

Adjust the Noise Suppression pointer according to the video’s need.

Playback the video on the timeline and check if the sound quality gets better.


The Noise Suppression level needs to be adjusted for every video as the noise level will be different for every one of them. Using speakers while playing back the audio after noise suppression is also recommended to check the audio quality.

To sum up

The above are 4 of the best editing applications available in the market in which unwanted background music can be removed. These applications also have a lot of other features that can be useful for audio and video editing.

Versatile Video Editor - Wondershare Filmora

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

Free Download Free Download

Best Audio Editors to Remove Background Noise from Audio

We all know background noise will reduce the overall impression of the video no matter how perfect the video is. Here we will discuss 4 applications that can be used to remove background noise from any audio clip (they are listed in no particular order).

In this article

01 Wondershare Filmora

02 Audacity

03 VSDC Video Editor

04 Movavi Video Editor

Part 1: Wondershare Filmora

Wondershare Filmora is a video editing app with extensive features and options for editing a video or audio. Amateurs, as well as professionals, equally use this application. You can remove background noise by its simple denoise feature in several mins. Let’s see how noise reduction is done using Filmora:

Download Filmora below, and install it on your computer.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.12 or later

Open Filmora, and go to File-Import Media to import your source video to the Media Library.

import media to filmora

Add or drag-n-drop the source video to the video track. Then right-click the video on the track, and select Adjust Audio option.

adjust audio option

The audio settings panel will pop up. Please enable the Remove background noise option, and then adjust the denoising level to Strong by moving the pointer to the extreme right.

click remove background noise

Playback your video on the line and check whether the voice quality has been improved.

Filmora supports various video formats. You can select the format you want and export the video or upload your video to Youtube and Vimeo directly. Once done, click Export to save or export your video.

filmora export panel


The audio can also be fine-tuned by using the Equalizer feature of Filmora, making the audio sound more natural. Also, the Audio Mixer feature will help you to edit the audio further and save it in MP3 format.

Part 2: Audacity

Audacity is an open platform for audio recording and editing. It is a very simple-to-use application and can be used to record, play, import, and export any audio files of WAV, MP3, AIFF, and OGG. Audacity also offers mixing tracks and applying special effects to the audios.

First, select the “silent” part of the audio, where only the noise can be heard.

Tap on the Effects menu at the top and select Noise Removal.

noise reduction

Tap on the Get Noise Profile option.

apply audacity noise reduction

Select all the audios from which you wish to remove the background noise.

Now once again, go to the Effects menu and tap on the Noise Removal option.

Adjust the settings if you feel it is necessary and click OK to save the settings.

Listen to the audio clip to ensure the quality has been improved and the noise reduced. And here are the waveforms before and after the noise removal.

noise wave


It is always recommended to reduce the noise before recording audio on Audacity.

Part 3: VSDC Video Editor

VSDC is a top-notch video editor with various high-end editing tools that allow users to enhance their videos easily. It offers screen recording, voice-overs, color correction, and even the green screen effect. To help you refine your videos to the highest quality, you can use the noise removal tool in VSDC.

Here are the easy steps to de-noise audio:

Open the VSDC video editor. Then click on the Editor tab and click on Run Sprite Wizard or Audio.

run sprite wizard

Select a file to be imported or drag and drop it to the slides. Click Apply Settings to proceed.

apply audio settings

Open the Audio effects drop-down menu, tap on Filters, and finally on Gate.

audio effects

Now, adjust the threshold level in the right panel by reducing it.

adjust threshold value

Similarly, adjust the Attack and Release levels to reduce the background noise.

attack and release

Part 4: Movavi Video Editor

Movavi is a simple video editing application that anyone can use to edit videos based on the time it was taken, for example, wedding videos, birthday videos, etc. it offers a lot of features to edit a video clip based on a specific theme. Here is how noise reduction can be done by using Movavi Video Editor.

Open the Movavi Video editor on your desktop and open an audio/video clip on your timeline.

Click on the audio clip to select it and then tap on the Settings icon on the extreme left.

Then choose the Audio Editing option and tap on the Noise Removal box.

movavi reduce noise

Adjust the Noise Suppression pointer according to the video’s need.

Playback the video on the timeline and check if the sound quality gets better.


The Noise Suppression level needs to be adjusted for every video as the noise level will be different for every one of them. Using speakers while playing back the audio after noise suppression is also recommended to check the audio quality.

To sum up

The above are 4 of the best editing applications available in the market in which unwanted background music can be removed. These applications also have a lot of other features that can be useful for audio and video editing.

Versatile Video Editor - Wondershare Filmora

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

Free Download Free Download

Best Audio Editors to Remove Background Noise from Audio

We all know background noise will reduce the overall impression of the video no matter how perfect the video is. Here we will discuss 4 applications that can be used to remove background noise from any audio clip (they are listed in no particular order).

In this article

01 Wondershare Filmora

02 Audacity

03 VSDC Video Editor

04 Movavi Video Editor

Part 1: Wondershare Filmora

Wondershare Filmora is a video editing app with extensive features and options for editing a video or audio. Amateurs, as well as professionals, equally use this application. You can remove background noise by its simple denoise feature in several mins. Let’s see how noise reduction is done using Filmora:

Download Filmora below, and install it on your computer.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.12 or later

Open Filmora, and go to File-Import Media to import your source video to the Media Library.

import media to filmora

Add or drag-n-drop the source video to the video track. Then right-click the video on the track, and select Adjust Audio option.

adjust audio option

The audio settings panel will pop up. Please enable the Remove background noise option, and then adjust the denoising level to Strong by moving the pointer to the extreme right.

click remove background noise

Playback your video on the line and check whether the voice quality has been improved.

Filmora supports various video formats. You can select the format you want and export the video or upload your video to Youtube and Vimeo directly. Once done, click Export to save or export your video.

filmora export panel


The audio can also be fine-tuned by using the Equalizer feature of Filmora, making the audio sound more natural. Also, the Audio Mixer feature will help you to edit the audio further and save it in MP3 format.

Part 2: Audacity

Audacity is an open platform for audio recording and editing. It is a very simple-to-use application and can be used to record, play, import, and export any audio files of WAV, MP3, AIFF, and OGG. Audacity also offers mixing tracks and applying special effects to the audios.

First, select the “silent” part of the audio, where only the noise can be heard.

Tap on the Effects menu at the top and select Noise Removal.

noise reduction

Tap on the Get Noise Profile option.

apply audacity noise reduction

Select all the audios from which you wish to remove the background noise.

Now once again, go to the Effects menu and tap on the Noise Removal option.

Adjust the settings if you feel it is necessary and click OK to save the settings.

Listen to the audio clip to ensure the quality has been improved and the noise reduced. And here are the waveforms before and after the noise removal.

noise wave


It is always recommended to reduce the noise before recording audio on Audacity.

Part 3: VSDC Video Editor

VSDC is a top-notch video editor with various high-end editing tools that allow users to enhance their videos easily. It offers screen recording, voice-overs, color correction, and even the green screen effect. To help you refine your videos to the highest quality, you can use the noise removal tool in VSDC.

Here are the easy steps to de-noise audio:

Open the VSDC video editor. Then click on the Editor tab and click on Run Sprite Wizard or Audio.

run sprite wizard

Select a file to be imported or drag and drop it to the slides. Click Apply Settings to proceed.

apply audio settings

Open the Audio effects drop-down menu, tap on Filters, and finally on Gate.

audio effects

Now, adjust the threshold level in the right panel by reducing it.

adjust threshold value

Similarly, adjust the Attack and Release levels to reduce the background noise.

attack and release

Part 4: Movavi Video Editor

Movavi is a simple video editing application that anyone can use to edit videos based on the time it was taken, for example, wedding videos, birthday videos, etc. it offers a lot of features to edit a video clip based on a specific theme. Here is how noise reduction can be done by using Movavi Video Editor.

Open the Movavi Video editor on your desktop and open an audio/video clip on your timeline.

Click on the audio clip to select it and then tap on the Settings icon on the extreme left.

Then choose the Audio Editing option and tap on the Noise Removal box.

movavi reduce noise

Adjust the Noise Suppression pointer according to the video’s need.

Playback the video on the timeline and check if the sound quality gets better.


The Noise Suppression level needs to be adjusted for every video as the noise level will be different for every one of them. Using speakers while playing back the audio after noise suppression is also recommended to check the audio quality.

To sum up

The above are 4 of the best editing applications available in the market in which unwanted background music can be removed. These applications also have a lot of other features that can be useful for audio and video editing.

Versatile Video Editor - Wondershare Filmora

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

Free Download Free Download

Also read:

  • Title: Updated Building Anticipation Compositional Techniques Using Cliffhanger Melodies in Movies for 2024
  • Author: Ella
  • Created at : 2024-05-05 02:25:48
  • Updated at : 2024-05-06 02:25:48
  • Link: https://sound-optimizing.techidaily.com/updated-building-anticipation-compositional-techniques-using-cliffhanger-melodies-in-movies-for-2024/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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Updated Building Anticipation Compositional Techniques Using Cliffhanger Melodies in Movies for 2024